

Currently the key players of the energy sector, namely the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) face a great amount of challenges in regards to the delivered energy quality. The ever higher demand of consumers and regulators, the energy liberalisation, the adjustment for the access to new technologies and climate change pressure to provide clean energy are some of the factors that require actions. Consequently, it becomes necessary to provide a higher amount of resiliency, flexibility and security of the energy networks, ultimately increasing operation efficiency.

Smart5Grid aims to profit from the advantages of using 5G networks by energy operators (TSOs and DSOs). As such, is is based on three main pillars. The first objective consists on having a 5G network management platform with the utilization of Non-Public Networks (NPNs) in order to provide high levels of reliability and availability and to support thousands of devices per km2 without degradation. In order to provide security to critical systems, such as Smart Grids, the project will also include a security system developed to ensure the protection of control processes inherent to the grid operation, as well as M2M communications, with the possibility of supporting novel protection mechanisms aiming at taking advantage of 5G capabilities. Finally, in the perspective of closing the business loop, a monitoring platform will be provided enabling, among other functionalities, the visualization and analysis of the energy quality.



Total budget

€ 1 365 862.00


Smart Grids, 5G, Energy Utilities, Slicing, Cybersecurity

Start Date




CISUC budget

€ 416 785.00

End Date




J. Henriques and F. Caldeira and T. Cruz and P. Simões, "A Survey on Forensics and Compliance Auditing for Critical Infrastructure Protection", IEEE Access, in IEEE Access, pp. 2409–2444-2409–2444, 2024

D. Perdigão and T. Cruz and P. Simões and P. H. Abreu, "Data-Centric Federated Learning for Anomaly Detection in Smart Grids and Other Industrial Control Systems", in IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, pp. 1-5, 2024

V. Pereira and T. Cruz and P. Simões and L. Loureiro, "Enhancing 5G Core security with eBPF/XDP", in 2024 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024), 2024


V. Graveto and T. Cruz and P. Simões, "A Network Intrusion Detection System for Building Automation and Control Systems", IEEE Access, 2023

J. Henriques and F. Caldeira and T. Cruz and P. Simões, "A forensics and compliance auditing framework for critical infrastructure protection", International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, in International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, pp. 100613-100613, 2023

R. Queiroz and T. Cruz and P. Simões, "Testing the limits of general-purpose hypervisors for real-time control systems", Microprocessors and Microsystems, in Microprocessors and Microsystems, pp. 104848-104848, 2023

V. Graveto and T. Cruz and P. Simões, "Using KNX-based Building Automation and Control Systems for Data Exfiltration", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1–1-1–1, 2023

T. Cruz and P. Simões and E. Monteiro and L. Rosa, "Intrusion and Anomaly Detection in Industrial Automation and Control Systems", in NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2023

T. Cruz and V. Pereira and P. Simões and D. Cruz, "Designing a high-fidelity testbed for 5G-based Industrial IoT", in European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, pp. 151–160-151–160, 2023

D. Perdigão, "Towards an Intrusion Detection System for Smart Grids: A Federated Approach", M. S. Thesis, University of Coimbra, 2023

D. Perdigão and P. H. Abreu and T. Cruz, "Towards an Intrusion Detection System for Smart Grids: A Federated Approach [Poster]"", Rep. 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 2023

R. Queiroz and T. Cruz and P. Simões and J. Mendes and P. Sousa, "Container-Based Virtualization for Real-Time Industrial Systems – A Systematic Review", ACM Comput. Surveys, 2023

T. Cruz and P. Simões and J. Gaspar and C. Lam, "Smart Substation Communications and Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Survey", IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2023


T. Cruz and V. Graveto and P. Simões, "Security of Building Automation and Control Systems: Survey and future research directions", Computers & Security, vol. 112, 2022

F. Caldeira and P. Simões and T. Cruz and J. Henriques, "An Automated Closed-Loop Framework to Enforce Security Policies from Anomaly Detection", Computers & Security, in Computers & Security, vol. 123, no. 102949, pp. 102949-102949, 2022


T. Cruz and P. Simões, "Down the Rabbit Hole: Fostering Active Learning through Guided Exploration of a SCADA Cyber Range", Applied Sciences, 2021

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