FLOWANCE: Automatic Dialogue Flow Extraction and Guidance (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047022)

FLOWANCE: Automatic Dialogue Flow Extraction and Guidance (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047022)


The main goal of the project Flowance the development and test of a integrated solutions for guidining the action of an agent in a call-center, based on the history of previous interactions between agents and customers, thus enabling an automatic extraction and representation of dialogue flows and an efficient real-time guidance of human agents.

It is results from a partnership between Talkdesk, a world leader on technological solutions for call-centers, and the University of Coimbra, through CISUC, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through Portugal 2020 (PT2020), and by the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Programme (COMPETE 2020).


European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through Portugal 2020 (PT2020), and the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Programme (COMPETE 2020)

Total budget

€ 1 239 747.00


dialogue systems, dialogue flows, human guidance, natural language processing

Start Date


CISUC budget

€ 171 214.00

End Date




H. G. Oliveira and C. Silva and I. Carvalho, "The Importance of Context for Sentiment Analysis in Dialogues", IEEE Access, in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 86088, pp. 86088–86103-86103-86088–86103, 2023


H. G. Oliveira and P. Ferreira and D. Martins and C. Silva and A. O. Alves, "A Brief Survey of Textual Dialogue Corpora", in A Brief Survey of Textual Dialogue Corpora, pp. 1264-1274, 2022

H. G. Oliveira and C. Silva and I. Carvalho, "Sentiment Analysis in Portuguese Dialogues", pp. 176-180, 2022

D. Martins and P. Ferreira and H. G. Oliveira and C. Silva and A. O. Alves, "Can we rely on clustering for approximating intents and dialog acts?", pp. 127-128, 2022

P. Ferreira and D. Martins and H. G. Oliveira and C. Silva and A. O. Alves, "Natural Language Processing in the Classification of Dialog Act", pp. 121-122, 2022

P. Ferreira, "Automatic Dialogue Flow Extraction and Guidance", in Automatic Dialog Flow Extraction and Guidance, 2022


A. O. Alves and H. G. Oliveira and L. Llansol and J. Santos and L. Duarte and J. Santos and M. Gaspar and L. Coheur, "MUAHAH: Taking the Most out of Simple Conversational Agents", pp. 1-7, 2021

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